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Creativity: Problem, Process and Prosperity

Raghav Sand

The Collins Dictionary defines creativity as the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns and relationships, to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods and interpretation. Creativity is synonymous with originality, progressiveness, and imagination. Anything that has ever been accepted by the people has either solved a problem or created convenience in their lives. Products and services which fulfil the above-mentioned criteria seldom fail to make its creators wealthy. Creativity has no boundaries and it is not restricted with in the confines of art. Human ingenuity has found cure for diseases, made travel faster and safer, and it has also given us ways through which millions have been elevated from abject poverty.

Look around yourself, anyone who is someone, has used creative means to be ahead of the pack. The most creative idea is the culmination of simplicity – both of thoughts and application of skills. Not every creativity can be valued or monetized – parenting and mentoring prove the above statement right. There are innumerable ways to make a case for creativity, but this composition is an earnest effort to highlight the context and concept of creativity in everyday life.

Intuitive Alertness

The process of creativity is absorbing, and someone in the middle of the creative process rises above hunger, fatigue and gratification; there is no other way around it. The duration and intensity may differ with person and task, but the basic outline is same. Creation is not easy and yet it is not rocket science; though rocket science is still rocket science. Paying attention to detail and understanding the process of an activity leads to better way of doing things. Music, for example, is based on handful of keys, yet almost every song sounds different from the other. An accomplished musician has mastered the basics and it has enabled the creation of a new tune / song.

Defining the Problem

Dan Roam, author of The Back of the Napkin, has an interesting take on creativity. Roam said, “Whoever best describes the problem is the one most likely to solve it.” Let us try to understand this with the help of a few examples. Social media companies, in the last two decades, have seen exponential growth in user base and profits. The fundamental problem these companies are trying to solve is to bring people closer irrespective of geographical location.

The internet was there for millions to access, but a select few saw an opening to build a product or service by using it as a platform. The limitless opportunities, which blossomed as a result, aided in collaboration and communication between both nearby and faraway individuals and groups.

Gestation Period

Gestation is defined as the time between conception and birth. An idea has its own life cycle, and this back and forth between prototype / draft and the final product is not for the faint hearted. There is no glory in failure, but for someone who is paying attention, there are learnings which can be kept in mind during subsequent attempts. Don’t expect failure, but, if and when it happens, accept it and move on. Patience is not a choice for creators, but a way of life. For a person who is trying to create something new or improve an existing product / practice, having disgust and despair can be counterproductive. Creativity is not instant noodles, but it is a home-made dough-based item that takes time to soak, knead and bake. If anything is accomplished without putting in the hours, be rest assured it was a stroke of luck.

Creativity: When and Why?

Entrepreneurship and creativity go hand in hand. It will be gross mistake to think that only new ventures demand innovative thinking. When an artist or corporation has made a name in its domicile, it needs to think beyond the obvious. Similarly, to sustain global scale they have to think outside the box. It’s a myth that only a new venture thrives on creativity; sooner this flawed thought process is rectified, the better.

Creativity and Conformity

Is it possible to be creative and conformist at the same time? This is a subjective question, but more often than not, a visionary is impulsive and finds ways to improve the status quo. Being nonconformist does not equate to being disrespectful and indiscipline; striking a fine balance between asking the right questions and seeking solutions to problems are good starting points.

Creativity Open Mic

Creativity can come from any corner of the organisation or from anyone in the family. Music and cinema projects come to existence when a group of people make an effort to synergize action. There is a composer and director at the helm, yet as is the case on various instances, a team member’s timely suggestion breaks a creative deadlock. Corporations should encourage everyone, whether rank or file, to speak their mind. It will be up to the leadership to take the final call, but hierarchy should not hinder creativity.

Creativity and Diversity

Creativity is not the fiefdom of a gender, race or lineage. A situation in present times is not an African or European situation and the answers are not Asian or American. Every problem and its solution are human, nothing more and nothing less. Diverse workplaces are more productive and progressive. It is not just the personnel, but the perspective they bring to the table or shop floor that matters.

The Final Word

Templates, ‘How To’ guides, testimonials and hearsay will not assist in nurturing creativity. Take risks as per your appetite, and if you don’t have one, develop it over time. Practice and persistence are the basis of all human endeavours; they are also a viable and reliable path to excellence. Aim for the sky, go give it a try.

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