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Embrace With Grace

Raghav Sand

Willing acceptance of difficulties clears away obstruction and creates positive energy. Life is emotion in motion. Human life is an invaluable opportunity to attain peace and wisdom. We learn from parents, teachers, books, friends and our own practices. None of these can enlighten us on its own.

A right mix of education and experience moulds each one of us to attain peace and prosperity. All living beings are programmed to survive and thrive. A life that is full of compassion and love, transcends the inward-looking mentality.

Expectation is the root cause of all sorrow. This phrase from Bhagavad Gita is a highly subjective and philosophical. When a person is hungry and without shelter, their thought process revolves around survival.

Pursuit of higher purpose on borrowed capital, whether financial or intellectual, does not yield best results. When everyone around you is engrossed in material pursuits, try to attain self-sufficiency before entertaining thoughts of renunciation. We all have some knowledge or skill. Lack of clarity and application restrict our growth as individuals and society.

Bhagavad Gita is a sermon for anyone who has doubts about their competence and clarity of purpose. The whole text will not resonate with all, yet there is something for every one.

More Mind than Muscle

A handful number of people get the right advice at the right time. Persistence and patience help the vast majority of people to achieve their goals. For a person with the right attitude, success is delayed instead of being derailed. Who has the time to think about these things? Definitely, not someone who has a lot on their plate at the moment. Our life has cyclical nature. Either we are waiting for our first breakthrough or about to be dethroned from the peak.

When a person is unsuccessful in their chosen field of work, they do not become incompetent overnight. Similarly, when success is attained, it may seem like a miracle to the onlookers, but it is a product of unadulterated hard work.

There is lot of information overload in contemporary life. Some of you may have got a kickstart as students and young professional due to favourable circumstances. Does every success story get scripted at a particular six-digit postal code? Access to resources is a blessing.

A sense of entitlement and complacency can reverse and ruin the benefits. Everyone loves an underdog story. What will happen if a person chose to give up? It will be business as usual for everyone else. By staying the course, a struggling person elevates self and those around them. The never-say-die attitude is here to stay.

Stories: Heal and Zeal

All unpleasant experiences bring the momentum set in motion by that past negative action to an end. Life is like a game of snake and ladder. We all start at zero and make our way to hundred. The journey from start to finish comprises of ladders which help us to jump levels, while encounter with snakes brings us down. Board games are a game of chance. Life is the synthesis between knowledge, skill and chance.

In the game of snake and ladder, the person who crosses the finish line first is declared as the winner. Life rewards people who finish first generously, while those who cross the line in successive attempts also do well for themselves, eventually.

Testimonials of a every kind have an audience. A serial winner filters all the noise and gives undivided attention to stories that talk about a person or organization that goes from strength to strength.

At the other end of the spectrum, another person finds solace in stories which have a healing touch. It is counterproductive to have a victim mentality or romanticise failure. There is no glamour or charm in falling short of target. As soon as possible, both success and failure should make way for the next course of action. Get back to work and share your experience with others. Develop a collaborative approach to unlock the potential of those around you and learn vital skills.

Handling Success

We come across a lot of content about how to deal with failure. It is important to be graceful in success as well. Success is a wonderful thing. It heals past wounds and lays the groundwork for future. Gratitude and celebration are the hallmark of true success. Never forget to reward those who helped you.

Believe in your success and acknowledge your efforts. Success will change how people relate to you. Financial wealth and societal goodwill are the result of people-oriented approach. Look around yourself, and you will find that the organisations which make people as the focal point of their existence, seldom fail to create wealth for their stakeholders.

Inner and Outer Dialogue

One positive thought can transform life, while a single negative thought can disintegrate it. Avoid negative people and thoughts at all costs. You should cultivate good thoughts and habits. Our prayers shall have good wishes for everyone. Whether someone is a well-wisher or they create hurdles for us, we should treat everyone with compassion.

Our prayers should help to transform people who are knowingly or unknowingly plotting against us. Initially, this thought may seem absurd but, later you will find it liberating and uplifting.

A negative thought or vibration for someone may inflict pain to them but law of karma deals a significant blow to the originator. To know the past, we should look at our present body, and to know our future, we should look at our mind.

Our mind is like a garden. We cannot choose to leave it unattended. It requires intentional learning and practice. Most good habits are replacement for bad ones. A mind without consciousness is a breeding ground for unwanted wildflowers. The clutter leaves little room for refining good thoughts.

Never mention or analyse defects and shortcomings of other people. By continuously criticising someone, people fail to see the good. This hostile treatment causes disharmony and an opportunity to build a relationship is lost. Age and maturity are two completely different things. As people age, they tend to believe it is their moral responsibility to constantly criticise younger people.

A complete disregard for teachings of our elders does not equate with freedom. A right balance between new and old takes the human thought and evolution forward. It takes composure and confidence to deal with interrogative and insensitive people. Open your eyes, mind and arms. Embrace life and channel all your resources for common good.

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