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Toxic Life: Handle with Utmost Care

Raghav Sand

Toxicity is counter-productive for growth. All forms life on our planet are an endeavour to propagate, but the true purpose and potential of humans transcends beyond the obvious. Merriam-Webster dictionary defines toxicity as the quality, state or relative degree of being poisonous.

This quality can be found in all sorts of places and people; sometimes its obvious, while on other instances its disguised. Either ways, the damage it inflicts on our well-being can be catastrophic and in extreme cases it may be irreversible. The human brain is programmed to seek and do more of what it does, therefore, pick your work and leisure activities wisely.

Toxicity can be seen in food, lifestyle, workplace, family, entertainment content, relationship, etc. Let us try to decipher a few of these topics with their characteristics. Any advice shared in this article should not be interpreted as a substitute for psychological counselling, if necessary.

Toxic Food

A couple of decades ago, people were urged to replace saturated fats with vegetable oils to reduce their cholesterol levels and help prevent heart disease. However, a lot of evidence suggests that these oils actually cause harm when consumed in excess; they are “empty” calories. Trans fats are the unhealthiest fats you can eat. They’re created by pumping hydrogen into unsaturated oils in order to turn them into solid fats. Your body doesn’t recognize or process trans fats in the same way as naturally occurring fats.

Sugar and high-fructose corn syrup are often referred to as “empty calories.” However, the harmful effects of sugar go way beyond that. Sugar is high in fructose, and excess fructose intake has been linked to many serious conditions, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome and fatty liver disease.

Toxic Workplace

Most adults spend a high proportion of their time with colleagues and associates. Client meetings and vendor interaction, either online or offline, is an unmissable part of our lives. The first sign of a toxic work culture is a feeling you will pick up when you spend time in a workplace where people don’t communicate, don’t smile, don’t joke and don’t reinforce one another.

Toxic workplace has higher burnout and stress

Secondly, a toxic workplace is where people are very concerned about titles, job descriptions and levels in the hierarchy. When you meet someone new in the organization, they’ll be quick to tell you their title and status. Last but not the least, a toxic work culture is where there is much talk about infractions and demerits but little to no recognition of extraordinary effort or triumphs.

Toxic Relationship

Humans crave for love and companionship. A silent majority of individuals sustain persistent verbal or physical abuse. In the medium-to-long term, there comes a point where enough is enough and its mutually beneficial to part ways. Toxicity in a relationship builds over a period of time and people tend to overlook the signs and supress their instinct.

Toxicity and Self

Not all toxicity comes from the external world; some of it is a figment of our imagination. True happiness can be experienced when our words and actions are in harmony. Letting the past dictate your present and future, and expecting the worst to happen are two of the most dangerous line of thought a person can have. Comparing yourself with others and the obsession to change others can wreak havoc. Hypocrisy is the most universal secretive hobby. People set a high bar for others, but fall short on the same parameters. Spending too much time on social media, watching cringy short videos and always finding solace in abusive content, whether physical or verbal, will do more harm than good.

The Final Word

There is little or no cure for self-harm. Acknowledging a situation is part of the solution of a problem. All the issues highlighted above can be solved if there is genuine intent. Support is always available. We all have that one rational friend, acquaintance or family member who can understand our state of mind. Just in case, you are hesitant or embarrassed to talk about your tribulations with a loved one, seeking professional help does not make you a weak person. Society is made up of individuals – duh. Positive and productive individuals make the world a better place.

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